split panorama image

split Panorama Tool set.

I created a small toolSet called split panorama for Nuke. Split panorama split your input as six tiles in same resolution.

 Download: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=776f8351d9892b6a&resid=776F8351D9892B6A!258&parid=776F8351D9892B6A!133

else copy past:

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.3 v4
push $cut_paste_input
Dot {
 name Dot1
 selected true
 xpos 556
 ypos -616
set N78c49a0 [stack 0]
Crop {
 box {{parent.tile1.box.r i} 0 {format.width/6+tile1.box.r i} {format.height i}}
 name tile2
 selected true
 xpos 357
 ypos -428
push $N78c49a0
Crop {
 box {{parent.tile2.box.r i} 0 {format.width/6+tile2.box.r i} {format.height i}}
 name tile3
 selected true
 xpos 468
 ypos -428
push $N78c49a0
Crop {
 box {{parent.tile3.box.r i} 0 {format.width/6+tile3.box.r i} {format.height i}}
 name tile4
 selected true
 xpos 578
 ypos -428
push $N78c49a0
Crop {
 box {{parent.tile4.box.r i} 0 {format.width/6+tile4.box.r i} {format.height i}}
 name tile5
 selected true
 xpos 688
 ypos -428
push $N78c49a0
Crop {
 box {0 0 {format.width/6 i} {format.height i}}
 reformat true
 crop false
 name tile1
 selected true
 xpos 247
 ypos -428
push $N78c49a0
Crop {
 box {{parent.tile5.box.r} 0 {format.width/6+tile5.box.r} {format.height}}
 name tile6
 selected true
 xpos 798
 ypos -428
StickyNote {
 inputs 0
 name StickyNote1
 label "connect your panorama"
 selected true
 xpos 606
 ypos -627


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