connectMultipleMask Nuke having its won short key for connecting selected multiple nodes input into one target node. It is underedit menu. Goto edit --> node --> splay first will do the job. There are three more combination of shot keys with 'U'. Check with each one and enjoy. Thanks to Frank Rueter to give the information. Even-though nuke don't have short-cut key for connect multiple selected nodes 'Mask' input to target node. Tried with 'splayLast to A' 'splayFirst to A', But it connect single input nodes mask input to target node and fails with 2 or more inputs node. check ref image: Because splay short-cuts are working based on input order. Its not considering optional inputs. If input 0 is none it will connect 0 to target and so one so forth with other inputs :). Hmmmmm good ya.. Yup then how to connect all selected nodes 'mask' input to target node with single click ? Here is the script for connect multiple...