
Showing posts from August, 2013

paintNodeOpacity python code This little code will help you to control nuke "rotopaint" nodes clone & paint brush opacity via some short-cut keys. I created this code for my fellow artist who's working with me in paint department. Short-cut keys are assigned as per his need. You can use your custom short-cut keys. There are 5 control option. "shift+>",  "shift+<" user can up & down the opacity value using "shift+>" and "shift+<" . This will jump between current value to +0.05 or -0.05. If your value will 1 it start to decrease 0.95, 0.9, 0.85 so one so forth.... "ctrl+>", "ctrl+<"  user can up & down the opacity value using "ctrl+>" and "ctrl+<" . This will jump between current value to +0.01 or -0.01. If your value will 1 it start to decrease 0.99, 0.98, 0.97 so one so forth.... "ctrl+Shift+< " and "ctrl+Shift+...

auto pinning nuke cornerPin  This little code place the cornerPin nodes 4 pin's automatically based on the bbox. If your image dosen't have bbox add a crop node and crop it as per your need. Before: After:   Download: python code: ''' Created on 04-august-2013 @author: satheesh mail - ''' import sys import nuke def autoPinning():     selNode = None     try:       selNode = nuke.selectedNode()     except ValueError:  # no node selected       pass     if selNode is not None:     ## auto pin for from         selNode['from1'].setExpression('[value name].bbox.x', 0)         selNode['from1'].setExpression('[value name].bbox.y', 1)         selNode['from1'].clearAnim...