Import fbx camera Import fbx camera script will add a camera node and import the camera data from the fbx file based on selected "ReadGeo" node. Usually we import our objects into nuke as a .fbx file. After importing the .fbx file will do the same thing for import the camera from the same file. To do that go to toolbar-->3D-->Camera... check the "read from the file" and then import the .fbx file by clicking file browser. To get reduce the above timing. I created this small "importFbxCamera" python script. Import your object files by "ReadGeo" node in nuke. Select the "ReadGeo" node and run this script. It will automatically create a "camera" node and import the camera data from the .fbx file and create a backdrop with shot name. If you have not selected any nodes this script will show a message... "select ReadGeo node to import camera" Result: Your camera will ...